Yesterday (Friday) was a free day in London for the group. (No class or labs, yay!). First, I went with some of the group to Abbey Road (you know, where the Beatles took their iconic photo).
Our not-so-great attempt at recreating the pose.....
After this, I left the group and went sight-seeing by myself! I started with the Tower of London and London Bridge. I waited in line for a while to buy tickets, but it was so worth it! The Tower of London is a palace built by William the Conqueror, and later expanded by King Edward I and his father, Henry III. It later became an important port and even later, a fortress for important items, like the Crown Jewels.
Re-created bedchamber of Edward I.
I also finally got to see the London Bridge!!!
This is the portion of the site built by William the Conqueror in the 10th century.
The seal of Queen Elizabeth is all over!
I also got to see the Crown Jewels! This was my favorite part of the day. It was a wait, but so, so worth it. I highly recommend it. I don't even know much about English Royalty, nor am I even a citizen of the country, but it was still awe-inspiring and humbling to see them up close and learn about their history.
The traitor's gate.
I also visited the Bloody Tower, which was where the two sons of Edward IV, Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York were allegedly murdered by their uncle, Richard Duke of Gloucester after Edward IV died in order for the uncle to be king. Essentially the Lion King in British Royal form.
Selfie with the tower!
Next, I visited the British Museum. This place was amazing; there aren't even words to describe it! I could have spent days and days here and not have seen everything. I hit the highlights, like the Rosetta Stone, Egyptian mummies, and Greek sculpture. This place would have been the ultimate World History field trip in the tenth grade...I was straining my brain to remember things from that class!
The oldest chess set in the world. Dates back to early medieval times, possibly in the tenth century.
The Roman Empire room
Actual mummy cases! I was geeked out by this whole room....Egypt was my favorite empire to learn about as a kid!
The actual mummy of Cleopatra!
Medieval Samurai armour from Japan
Egyptian sculpture
Sculptures and carvings from the Greek Parthenon
The oldest ancestor I could find on the Storms side was born in the tenth century and was a Viking from Scandinavia or the Netherlands. He was called "stormy" for his temperament, and that's where the surname came from.
Next! I went to the Victoria and Albert Museum. It has more of a cultural/artsy base, whereas the British Museum had a historical/archaeological base. I started in the fashion traced European fashion from 1750-present. Pretty cool!
1940's British women's fashion
Sculpture gallery
Samson slaying a Philistine.
This is a harpsichord made for the Strozzi family. This one dates to 1574 and is elaborately painted.
This bed dates to the late 1400s and is literally the biggest bed I've ever seen. To give perspective, it's probably 1.5 times the size of a king bed, at least. It was so famous throughout England that even Shakespeare referred to it in one of his plays!
State of George Frederich Handel.
A claviorgan, dating to the late 1500s. Apparently, it was a mix of a harpsichord and organ...that would have produced an interesting sound...
Music Room from Norfolk House, St. James's Square, London. This is how a typical upper-class music room would look like in the 1700s. It was mainly used for large group gatherings over playing music.
After the Victoria & Albert Museum, I walked down the street and into the wealthy neighborhood of Kensington, where I found the house where The Parent Trap was filmed!!!! This is on my top 10 list of favorite movies of all time, so this was quite exciting for me.
Selfie with the house.
After dinner, I went to see The Lion King down in the theatre district!!!! It. Was. Awesome. I can't even explain....I had ground floor tickets and my seat was right on the aisle!!! The animals came down the aisle in the opening scene and the hyenas ran down it in "Be Prepared," so I felt like I was in the middle of the action! It was such an amazing show.

Today, I left for Paris. We mainly traveled all day, but at King's Cross St. Pancras, we had some time to kill before our train left, so I went to Platform 9 3/4, naturally. Forget Paris, I'll go to Hogwarts!
Just kidding, I'm actually sitting in Paris right now! Language has been a bit of a barrier, but I know enough to get me through. Hopefully. Tomorrow we are visiting the Catacombes and walking along the Seine River!